mindfulness resources for adults

“Mindfulness,” and “meditation” have become buzzwords or even shorthand for how “enlightened” someone seems to be, but in reality, these tools for becoming more present, peaceful, and joyful in your life don’t need to be so serious. The most enlightened people in the world tend to be the most joyful, playful, and compassionate.

Modern life is hard enough without trying to adopt every “successful” guru’s approach to living. The truth is that many of the things that help us most in our everyday lives come from universal themes that have been practiced throughout the world for thousands of years. We’re lucky enough to live in a time where we now have access to these ancient wisdom and cultural traditions as well as new adaptations to help us bring these meaningful practices into our lives, even if we’ve only a few minutes to spare.

Below you’ll find some of the tools curated to help you in your daily life.

Take a break from the busyness and chaos of life and try out one of these simple practices to bring a moment of joy and peace to your day.

Simple, mindful insights & lessons to try out or easily integrate into your daily life.

Deepen your practice, or find more ideas and tools in Susan’s books and audio offerings.

Take a deeper look into the background and philosophy behind some of Susan’s tools

If you’re new to meditation, it can be helpful to start with brief, frequent practices to build up your “mindfulness” muscle. As adults, we have become so accustomed to the lightning speed and the cacophony of modern life that it can take some time to adjust our minds to moments of true calm and mental space. But keep at it and you’ll begin to develop greater mind-body awareness, cultivate more caring, connected relationships, and reduce stress. These practices are designed to keep it simple and helpful.

Check out Susan’s books and audio collection, to learn more and purchase wherever books are sold, or to find at your local library.

Look through our video library of lessons and activities for kids and adults. And be sure to also check out Susan’s YouTube channel for more.

mindfulness resources for adults